Your Parish Councillors
Chair: Christie Willis
Originally from Canada, I moved to Sheffield in 2003 and became a resident of Torworth in 2009. My background is analysing human remains in archaeology and I am just about to finish my PhD at the Institute of Archaeology, UCL where I have specialised in cremated remains from the Neolithic period. I am married to Rob (another parish councillor) and together we have three children. I have always been interested in the community I live in, and have been the Chair of the Parish Council since 2014. I am also chair of the Tinker Lane Community Liaison Group, the Torworth Playing Field Committee, and the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group. I also sit on the Torworth and Ranskill Scarecrow Festival Committee and the Central Bassetlaw Forum. I am keen to further relationships between local parish councils and to seek a greater voice for rural residents.
Vice Chair: James Helliwell
A Farmer in and around Torworth, a resident my whole life, of 41 years. My family have farmed here for 100 years and looked after the land and environment all that time. I hold an Honours Degree in agriculture, parish councillor for 3 years and on the scarecrow festival and village park committee.
Mr Robert Willis
I have lived in the area all my life, I grew up in Hayton before moving to the bright lights of Retford for ten years. I moved to Torworth in 2000. My family have always been involved in village life, be it fund raising, acting on the Parish Councils or just helping out where needed and so it seemed natural for me to take up a position on Torworth Parish council. I am married to Christie who is Chair of the Council, we have three children.
Mrs Dawn Lacey
Mrs Alison Duce
Parish Clerk: Mrs Claire Challener